Whatcha Cupping? Coffee Subscription Blog


June 2022 - Kenya AA - Ndaro-Ini (Place of Rest)

by Kevin Plener on

June 2022’s Coffee Origin - Kenya AA - Ndaro-IniEmpowering the CommunityFrom the smallholder farmers to the exporter this month's coffee is all about community empowerment.  We don't usually talk much about exporters...

May 2022 - Tanzanian Peaberry and a Giant Meteorite

by Kevin Plener on

May 2022’s Coffee Origin - Tanzania Mbeya Mimba Estate - PeaberryOur Second Tanzanian PeaberryBack in March of 2021, we cupped a Tanzanian Peaberry (Lyamungo - Africa Plantation Kilimanjaro Estate) to see if...

April 2022 - Co-op's, Working Together to Do More!

by Kevin Plener on

April 2022’s Coffee Origin - Ethiopian - Yirgacheffe WochemaNatural Processed, Organic & Fair TradeCoffee Correction: The label on your coffee bag says, Fully Washed and Sun Dried. The coffee in the bag...

March 2022 - Ethiopian Limu - Back in the Family

by Kevin Plener on

March 2022’s Coffee Origin - Ethiopian - Limu  Kossa Geshe - NaturalThis month's coffee offering comes from a family-owned farm in Limu Ethiopia (sometimes spelled Limmu on the coffee sacks)....

February 2022 - Rwanda - 800 Farms 1 Great Coffee

by Kevin Plener on

February 2022’s Coffee Origin - Rwanda - Karongi DistrictAs we feature more coffees from Cooperatives,  I am more convinced that they are a great idea. I once asked an 8 year old to define...

January 2022 - Sulawesi - Tectonic Plates, Volcanoes, Great Coffee

by Kevin Plener on

January 2022’s Coffee Origin - Sulawesi, IndonesiaHave you ever wondered why Sulawesi is so oddly shaped?Probably not until right now! (Plus, I'll bet you're going to look up Sulawesi...

December 2021 - Let's Cup A Kona!

by Kevin Plener on

December 2021’s Coffee Origin - Hawaii, USAWhat is so special about Kona Coffee?Well, for starters, it comes from one of the most beautiful places on the planet. You can...

November 2021 - This One Smelled Like Boo Berry!

by Kevin Plener on

November 2021’s Coffee Origin - EthiopiaYES, I SAID BOO BERRY - THE CHILDREN'S CEREAL!While I was packaging this month's coffee I was hit with a familiar smell that...

October 2021 - I Like How El Salvador Rolls off the Tongue

by Kevin Plener on

October 2021’s Coffee Origin - El SalvadorLOCATION, ERUPTIONS, LOCATION!The coffee you are about to enjoy is from Finca Rumania, an El Salvadorian farm located municipality of El Congo...

September 2021 - Central America Continues to Shine

by Kevin Plener on

September 2021’s Coffee Origin - PanamaDid you know that it can take 3-4 years before a newly planted coffee tree bears fruit and 5-7 years to reach full...