June 2023 - What's Your Go To Coffee

June 2023 - What's Your Go To Coffee

June 2023’s Coffee Origin
Honduras Marcala COMSA Royal Reserva
Organic, Fair Trade, Natural & Patio Sun Dried

What's the Best Coffee? Do You Have a Go To Coffee? What Are You Drinking at Home? What Would You Recommend?

These are the questions I find myself answering on an almost daily basis and no, I never get tired of answering them.
This month's coffee is one of my "go-to" coffees. It may not have the pedigree of a "Yirg" or the notoriety of an exotic island coffee, but when we have it in stock I'm all in!  From the moment we open the bag, the smell of the green coffee stands out in my mind and entices me to roast it. It is one of those coffees that holds on to some of the flavour notes hinted at in the aroma. I am actually drinking a cup of cold brew made from this month's Go Cup Yourself batch as I write this post and will likely have another cup when I'm done... I think it's that good!

Region: Marcala, La Paz
Varietals: Bourbon, Catuai, Caturra, Typica
Growing Elevation: 4400+ feet
Harvest: January through March
Process: Natural & Patio Sun Dried
Flavour Profile and Notes: GO CUP YOURSELF and find out!

This Month's Coffee Selection
As with many of our offerings, amazing results occur when groups of people organize to improve their living and working conditions (in turn improving the community around them). COMSA (Cafe Orgánico Marcala Sociedad Anonima) is an example of this "working together to do more" initiative that makes me love coffee so much. Founded in 2001 with 69 coffee farmers of Lenca origin (indigenous to Honduras and El Salvador) looking to improve production and sell their coffee collectively. Working through unforeseen and expected challenges COMSA was able to achieve Organic certification and reach a larger international buying pool. As of 2006 COMSA was granted Fair Trade certification further improving the livelihood of their members. They are now 1200 members strong and invest in local education and initiatives, as well as being a player in Honduran coffee production. 

Royal Reserva refers to the specific batches of coffee processed by COMSA for Royal Coffee (the importer/supplier). The batch we are cupping this month is Naturally Processed and Sun Dried.  Royal introduced us to this coffee several years back and we have been fans ever since.

Roaster’s Notes:
This month we roasted to a light-medium closer to the medium side. From experience, this roast should offer a full bodied, balanced cup, while still displaying the cupping notes expected from a Naturally processed Honduran coffee. There are several reasons this is one of my go-to coffees, one being that it is incredibly smooth and balanced when roasted to a medium. It is also quite forgiving and can be dark roasted (on the lighter side of dark) still maintaining some of its flavour profile. 

Cupping-wise, enjoy the full body while looking for strawberry followed by …wait a minute, if you want cupping notes Go Cup Yourself!

Canadian Coffee Subscription

Once you have finished Cupping, click on the “EXPERT TASTED” tab for our tasting notes. Can’t wait to compare notes.

As always, we'd love to hear from you. Better yet, tell the world what you think. If you've been enjoying the Go Cup Yourself experience, please take a moment to review us on FacebookGoogleYelp, Reddit, a bathroom stall door or anywhere you get your reviews.

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