September 2021 - Central America Continues to Shine

September 2021 - Central America Continues to Shine

September 2021’s Coffee Origin - Panama

Did you know that it can take 3-4 years before a newly planted coffee tree bears fruit and 5-7 years to reach full production?
The Bajo Mono Estate is a relatively young farm with many of its coffee trees just entering their productive years. This is exciting news if you like this month's offering, as it means there is the potential for this coffee to be around for many years to come.

The Bajo Mono Estate is located in Boquete, the highest valley of Volcan Baru. The coffee farm is located on the slopes of Volcan Baru, with its elevation creating an optimal "micro-climate" for coffee growth. The coffee you are about to enjoy is grown towards the top volcano and into the cordillera.

Bajo Mono's coffee trees are planted between from 4400ft to 5400ft. This elevation causes the beans to develop slower and have more time to mature. It is noted by the SHB (Strictly Hard Beans) classification in the description. High Grown or Hard Beans are associated with a brighter, "cleaner cup" as well as more consistent bean size and density (you may notice the visibly large bean size when you receive this month's coffee).

On a side note, each region within Boquete, (including Alto Quiel, Volcancito, Palmira, Horqueta and Jaramillo) are each known for their unique characteristics, growing conditions and flowering plant life.

Varietal: Catuai, Caturra
Growing Elevation: 4400+ feet
Process: Fully Washed and Mechanically Dried
Certification: Strictly Hard Bean
Harvest Start Month: December 
Harvest End Month: March
Flavour Profile and Notes: GO CUP YOURSELF and find out!

Roaster’s Notes:
This Panamanian Origin's was a pleasure to roast. It comes along smoothly and roasts evenly with very little effort. It can take heat well, likely due to the size and consistency of the "hard beans".  If this crop is representative of things to come from the Bajo Mono Estate, we are likely in for many good years with this Origin. While we really hope they offer a Natural Processed coffee in the future, this washed bean was well worth a cupping. You'll notice we went a little bit lighter on the roast than previous month's. This was to avoid "the roast" interfering with the subtle flavours that come through in this month selection. You'll notice that even at this roast level the coffee is balanced and smooth making it a great choice for an everyday cup.

Cupping-wise, think brown sugar followed by …wait a minute, if you want cupping notes Go Cup Yourself!

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Once you have finished Cupping, click on the “EXPERT TASTED” tab for our tasting notes. Can’t wait to compare notes.

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