September 2024 - Punching Above Its Weight
September 2024’s Coffee Origin
El Salvador Finca Santa Josefita
Varietal: Bourbon
Growing Elevation: 4200+ feet
Process: Natural, Patio Dried
Flavour Profile and Notes: GO CUP YOURSELF and find out!
This Month's Coffee Selection
While El Salvador is the smallest Central American country by geography, it is consistently within the top 20 world coffee producers (by export weight). Coffee is one of their largest agricultural exports along with corn, cotton and sugarcane. Known as the "Land of Volcanos", El Salvador has dozens of volcanoes which as we've discussed can create fertile soils ideal for coffee production (as well as beautiful scenery).
Established in 1932 by Mrs. Josefa Ariz, the Finca “Santa Josefita” Estate still bears her name. Currently owned by Lima y Socios, and a member of the Cuzcachapa Cooperative, the Estate is Rainforest Alliance Certified and has been awarded "The Cup of Excellence" 3 times now. From past blog posts, you'll know that we are fans of the Coop concept, especially when they provide for community improvements as a core value of their mission. The Coop Cuzcachapa was established in 1966 and has grown from 56 to over 1200 members making it the third largest coffee producer in El Salvador.
From our supplier we learn that coffee cherries that are harvested from Finca Santa Josefita, are transported two kilometres to the nearby Balcanes Mill. There the cherries are sorted and patio dried for 18 days, after which they are processed and exported with the help of the Cooperative's trading channels.
After several experimental process coffees, we thought it would be nice to recalibrate our taste buds with a more straight forward Natural processed offering. While the Anaerobic and Carbonic Macerations may offer some over the top flavours, can we still just enjoy an amazing cup of coffee? Why don't you Go Cup Yourself and find out!
Roaster’s Notes:
This month's coffee was roasted to a light-medium similar to last month's. We do this to allow the subtle flavours to come through for our hard core Cuppers, while ensuring we still offer an amazing every day cup of coffee for our gift subscriptions.
Unsurprisingly, this month's Central American coffee roasted comparatively to a Honduras or Nicaraguan coffee. They are likely grown and processed in similar conditions as well as having common Varietals in the region. That is where the similarities end though. This coffee's flavour profile falls somewhere between the other central American coffees we've Cupped so far. While it may not be as pronounced as the Honduras (Royal Reserva) it still offers fruity and herbal notes for our Cuppers to discern.
While cupping look for a Jammy taste with hints of Raspberry followed by …wait a minute, if you want cupping notes Go Cup Yourself!
Once you have finished Cupping, click on the “EXPERT TASTED” tab for our tasting notes. Can’t wait to compare notes.
As always, we'd love to hear from you. Better yet, tell the world what you think. If you've been enjoying the Go Cup Yourself experience, please take a moment to review us on Facebook, Google, Yelp, Reddit, a bathroom stall door or anywhere you get your reviews.