June 2021 - Same Farms, Same Coffee, Different Process

June 2021 - Same Farms, Same Coffee, Different Process

June 2021’s Coffee Origin - Indonesia

For those cuppers who have been with us for a while, this month's offering is opportunity to try two coffees from the same origin, that taste completely different.

This month's coffee is an Indonesian origin known as Bali Blue Krishna (printed on the sack) or Blue Moon (as referred to by the Importer).  Grown in the Kintamani Highlands, this beautiful coffee garners its name from blue hued beans produced by the wet-hulling process (Giling Basah in Indonesian). 

Bali Blue Krishna is from the same region as the Bali Kintamani we cupped in April. Both are grown in the volcanic loam of Mount Agung’s Kintamani Highlands. Both are grown on small farms where coffee trees are interspersed with citrus trees. Both are grown at high elevations and certified Organic and Rain Forest Alliance. The notable difference is in the processing and drying of the coffee beans. While the Bali Kintamani was Naturally Processed, Bali Blue Krishna is Wet Hulled and Sun Dried.

Bali Blue Krishna's cherries are harvested, sorted, depulped and fermented in onsite micro-mills. The beans are then washed and spread on patios to reduce water content from the parchment. Next the coffee is Wet-Hulled, leaving it exposed to dry on raised beds.  It is this Wet-Hulling Process that creates the bluish hue that the beans are known for. Once the coffee reaches its' desired moisture level it is bagged and exported.

If you read April's post, this side note will sound familiar.  Sourced from a Coop of family-owned farms, this month’s coffee is produced around a sustainable irrigation system known as a Subak Abian. The water system is managed through a series of Temples and Hindu priests practicing the philosophy of Tri Hita Karana (harmony between the environment, humans and God). This interdependence between the farmers and the water system creates an element of social, religious and environmental elements unique to Bali’s Co-op system. 

In recent years partnerships with regional exporters (namely Indokom) have helped to establish Organic and Rainforest Alliance Certifications.  They have also increased efficiencies, improved logistics and traceability, and established faster access to markets and Direct trade opportunities. 

Varietal: Bourbon, (S795 & USDA 762) Typica, and Catimor
Growing Elevation: 4000-5200 feet
Process: Hand-picked, Wet-Hulled, Sun Dried on Raised Beds
Certification: Organic, Rainforest Alliance
Harvest Start Month: May
Harvest End Month: October
Flavour Profile and Notes: GO CUP YOURSELF and find out!

Roaster’s Notes:
As discussed with April 2021's origin, Indonesian coffees (from experience) need focus and attention as they will transition from first to second crack with little warning. If the heat isn't just right, the roast will be uneven and inconsistent. Seeing as this offering is from the same collective as the Kintamani Natural, we expected a similar roasting profile. By easing up on the heat during first crack, the roast develops smoothly on its own achieving an even and beautiful roast.  

Cupping-wise, look for an Earthy Dark Chocolate and …wait a minute, if you want cupping notes Go Cup Yourself!

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Once you have finished Cupping, click on the “EXPERT TASTED” tab for our tasting notes. Can’t wait to compare notes.

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