March 2022 - Ethiopian Limu - Back in the Family

March 2022 - Ethiopian Limu - Back in the Family

March 2022’s Coffee Origin - Ethiopian - Limu  Kossa Geshe - Natural

This month's coffee offering comes from a family-owned farm in Limu Ethiopia (sometimes spelled Limmu on the coffee sacks). Limu Woreda (an administrative districts in Ethiopia) is located in Southwestern Ethiopia with altitudes ranging from 3900ft to over 9000ft above sea level. Coffee from this area is known for its clean cup, sweetness and balanced body. 

From our supplier, we learn that this month's coffee farm is owned by Lemma Edeto, who has been working with coffee for nearly 60 years. His farm was confiscated by The Derg in the 1970's (during a military upheaval in 1974 overthrowing the existing government of the Ethiopian Empire) as part of their land reforms, but was later recovered by Mr. Edeto.
Ethiopia's history is definitely worth a deeper dive in your spare time.

Lemma has since taught his two sons, Haile and Nigusse the ins and outs of the trade and kept the farm in his family. His sons now maintain the farm and have added processing to their operations, allowing them to oversee their coffee from the planted trees all the way to the export stage.

In February 2014, the family was recognized by the African Fine Coffee Association, winning the African Taste of Harvest Competition. Year after year Limu region coffees perform with a level of excellence that we are excited to share with you, our amazing Cuppers!


Region: Oromia District
Varietals: Ethiopian Heirloom
Growing Elevation: 6000 - 6500 feet
Process: Natural and Sun Dried
Flavour Profile and Notes: GO CUP YOURSELF and find out!

Roaster’s Notes:
Around our shop, you'll frequently find Ethiopian coffees in our cups. Like the Seinfeld joke pitting a cinnamon babka against a chocolate one, Limu will hold its own in the company of a Yirgacheffe, a Harrar and any of the well known Ethiopian origins.  This month's offering is roasted to a medium or Viennese Roast level. When you open the bag, you should be able to smell some of the berries that we found in our cupping.  While the smell of roasted coffee often fails to translate into the taste, we were pleasantly surprised by how well some of the aromas continued into this coffee's flavour profile. Enjoy this month's coffee as a representative of what the look for in a Natural Limu offering.

Cupping-wise, look for Pineapple notes with a …wait a minute, if you want cupping notes Go Cup Yourself!

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Once you have finished Cupping, click on the “EXPERT TASTED” tab for our tasting notes. Can’t wait to compare notes.

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