August 2022 - Back to the Start - Well Kind of!

August 2022’s Coffee Origin - Colombia Tolima Suave - Organic

I remember as a child in the 70's and 80's hearing commercials that would boast 100% Colombian Coffee.  I remember imitating the Juan Valdez ads at recess and wonder if Juan new how big he'd become in North America. Turns out Juan was a creation of a New York Marketing firm commissioned by the Colombian Federation of Coffee Growers (FNC) in 1959. He was a representation of all Colombian Coffee Farmers in an effort to highlight Colombian Coffee on the North American Stage.  While Juan was imaginary, the quality Colombian coffee was very real and continues to be a powerhouse in the coffee market today. 

Café Tolima Suave represents over 150 coffee farms in the municipality of Planadas, Tolima. Coffee growing in the region creates over 77000 direct jobs and 160000 indirect jobs! Most of the coffee is grown on small plots under 5 hectares which is combined and sorted by the Café Tolima Suave Association.

The group focuses on Organic practices and education to control quality and consistency. This allows it to access international specialty coffee markets and improve the lives of its members and their communities. These improvements include education programs that promote reforestation, sustainability, coffee farming practices, and importantly entrepreneurial programs for women. It seems to be the case for most of the coffees we've Cupped, that coffee makes that world a better place.


Region: Municipality of Planadas, Tolima
Varietals: Colombia, Typica, Caturra
Growing Elevation: 5400+ feet
Harvest: April
Export: May

Process: Fully Washed and Sun Dried
Flavour Profile and Notes: GO CUP YOURSELF and find out!

What's Up With the Brown Boxes:
Until last month we were able to rely on our stock of printed boxes. While the world's supply chain issues were definitely affecting our pricing, we didn't expect our box supplier to simply stop selling printed boxes!  While we look for a new direct to box printing company we will continue to send our cuppers amazing coffee in boxes we can rely on. On the positive note, last month we didn't have a single issue with stolen deliveries! I guess porch pirates like our pretty boxes as much as we do!

Roaster’s Notes:

Colombian coffees seem to be consistently amazing to roast. They follow a clean roasting path and can be very forgiving. This Colombian bean from Tolima was no exception. It roasted evenly in a predictable time and gave a satisfyingly loud first crack and clearly audible start into second crack. As requested we've continued our Light-Medium Roast profile to offer noticeable flavour notes but still create a great everyday cup of coffee.  This coffee presents above average in sweetness, body and acidity. It was a pleasure to roast and we're sure you'll enjoy it. Next month we'll return to a more delicate berry tasting bean, but for this month it's 100% Colombian as Juan would say!

Cupping-wise, look for a Medium Body highlighted with Brown Sugar notes followed by …wait a minute, if you want cupping notes Go Cup Yourself!

Canadian Coffee Subscription

Once you have finished Cupping, click on the “EXPERT TASTED” tab for our tasting notes. Can’t wait to compare notes.

As always, we'd love to hear from you. Better yet, tell the world what you think. If you've been enjoying the Go Cup Yourself experience, please take a moment to review us on FacebookGoogleYelp, Reddit, a bathroom stall door or anywhere you get your reviews.

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